Really important topic and great post!

The critical component is to agree, beforehand, on a prioritization framework. RICE is a great place to start, but even if you end up tweaking it or using something else, it doesn’t really matter. As long as there is real alignment on how to prioritize, most of the conflicts will be avoided.

Actually, no.

The conflicts won’t be avoided.

They will be front-loaded to the prioritization framework/criteria discussions.

This is a GOOD thing. The goal is not to avoid conflict, healthy conflict is critical to achieving great things. The conflict will just be out in the open, at once, instead of spread around dozens of implicit and explicit conflicts that drive engineers crazy.

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What a great comment, thank you Gilad!! I absolutely agree with your points. In my previous company we ended up tweaking RICE, but as you say the impact of the framework is not so much on the accuracy of the results, but rather in the timing of the conversations that it generates and the alignment it achieves as a result.

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While I do not work directly in Engineering or Product, I work closely with both teams in my Data Analytics role. Leveraging the RICE method to prioritize I can see having application across the various business units, to get to the right prioritization for the most impact. Thank you for sharing the wealth of information.

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